Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This is it...

This is my companies brochure, business card, and letterhead. I started with my business card. It was sort of difficult to make this because I was not sure how to incorporate everything I wanted to. I ended up making a picnic pattern to use so I had more to work with. Then I decided to put the name over the picnic pattern so you know what the name. On back I used the utensils. I next did the letter head. I used the exact same idea from the business card on the letter head. Then on the bottom I used little trucks to represent that it was a to-go company. I next did the brochure this was a lot of time to figure out exactly what I wanted. I originally did not have the trucks along the top and bottom because I did not think it was needed but it ended up looking really good. I did a menu of a few of the items so people had some idea of what is available. I added a comment card so I could get feedback. I think this would be important because as a new business you want to get new ways of improving. 

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