This is my companies brochure, business card, and letterhead. I started with my business card. It was sort of difficult to make this because I was not sure how to incorporate everything I wanted to. I ended up making a picnic pattern to use so I had more to work with. Then I decided to put the name over the picnic pattern so you know what the name. On back I used the utensils. I next did the letter head. I used the exact same idea from the business card on the letter head. Then on the bottom I used little trucks to represent that it was a to-go company. I next did the brochure this was a lot of time to figure out exactly what I wanted. I originally did not have the trucks along the top and bottom because I did not think it was needed but it ended up looking really good. I did a menu of a few of the items so people had some idea of what is available. I added a comment card so I could get feedback. I think this would be important because as a new business you want to get new ways of improving.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Ideas for X-Health
Here are my ideas for my business card, letter head and my brochure for my business.
Business card.
I went with a mix of the first and fourth one.
Letter Heads.
I went with the bottom left hand corner.
I decided to switch the placement of the lunch/dinner menu and the about Extreme Health.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
What Extreme Health Is All About
Questions about my Extreme Health
1. What is your business?
My business is for college student ordering food late at night
but its healthy choices instead of the nasty Dominos Pizza or McDonalds. It is
important to have healthy choices because then college student can study better
and they can feel better about themselves when they wake up the next morning.
2. Describe your business in one sentence.
Delivering healthy food to college students late at night.
3. Who is your target audience?
My target audience is college students and teenagers. I am sure
more women than men will order it.
4. Who are your competitors?
My competitors are going to be the unhealthy places that deliver
food late at night.
5. What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
I currently do not have a website or much of a product
inventory. These other companies are very well established across the country.
I would just be starting here in Tampa. I would have to get my name out pretty
quickly in order to be successful. But the biggest thing to my advantage is
that my food would be healthier than what they offer.
6. Do you currently have an identity? (This is more for
companies that are already established and you’re just revamping the
logo/corporate identity. If you have a new company or product, skip this
7. (If your answer to #6 is no, skip this question) what do
you like about it and what don’t you like about it?
These following questions might seem silly, but their
purpose is to help generate ideas.
1. How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
I want a good image, maybe it will be expanded to a little bit
more of Florida. I really have to make sure that I open stores near college
towns. But most of all I want my business to be successful.
2. If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and
If my company were an animal it would be a rabbit because
rabbits are always eating carrots and munching on healthy vegetables.
3. If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
If my company was a person it would be have to be someone that
is always promoting healthy choices in there early twenties because they can
relate with a busy life and still being able to eat healthy.
4. If your company/brand were an object, what would it be?
If my company were an object it would be a dinner set up because
that what you need to eat off of it eat healthy.
5. If your customer were a cartoon character, who would it be?
If my costumers were a cartoon character it would be Bugs Bunny
because he is always munching on carrots.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
And Tonight I Feel Immortal.
I really really like this. I was not planning on doing this song when I originally thought of this project but I was driving one day in my car, blasting the song, these specific lyrics came on and the idea just came right to me. The blue in the background is the gradient light blue. I thought this could be cool because then you can see the colors of the sun more. The background is suppose to be the sun. I thought about just using a picture of the sun but I thought it would be more fun to find a brush that would kind of make it look like the sun. Below is where I found the brush. I used 3 different colors to make the sun; orange, yellow, and a yellow- orange. Next I made a silhouette. I like this idea because then it can be any one that feels powerful. I found a picture that is below and cut the girl out of it then I blacked her out. The lightening bolts are for getting the power. I used a simple lightening bolt, that is pictured below. I had to learn how to flip it so I could make the one of the right side of the shoulder. I then found a cape because every good powerful person has a cape. The picture of the cape is pictured below. The next thing I did was make this picture more about me. I picked a picture of family jumping up and down. This is powerful because my family is always there to support me. I picked out things that make me feel powerful and something that I connect with. There is a Kappa Alpha Theta kite. That is the symbol for Theta. This is organization that I am happy to call myself a sister of. There is also a golf ball because I feel powerful when I play golf. I am proud to call myself a NCAA division 2 athlete. All these pictures are below. Lastly, I added the words to the bottom of the picture because I feel its important to see what the picture represents. Because tonight I feel immortal.
The background brush
The person silhouette.
Shoes to make the foot look more realistic.
The cape.
Lightening bolt on the arms.
Family and friends represented on the cape.
Kappa Alpha Theta kite on the cape.
Golf ball on the cape.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Tampa Spartans Baseball!
I made a baseball field. I have recently started watching baseball a lot and figure it would be cool to make a field. I used an outline of a field to make the lines and get a general idea of what the field looks like. I used the sand texture from a picture (provided at the bottom). Then I just used the paint to make the grass its full color. Then I used a grass brush from a website (provided at the bottom) to make it look like there was uncut grass. I made a brush (provided at the bottom) to make it look like a fence along the yellow line. Then the sky I used the gradient colors to make it blue. Then I made a pattern (provided at the bottom) to fill in with the clouds.
Baseball Field.
Grass brush.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Vacation to Bora Bora
My Stoli girl and I went to Bora Bora.
This is photoshop. The picture of my puppy and I is from our vacation to Deep Creek Lake, Maryland. We were actually standing on a dock and I was trying to push her into the water. Which she was not a fan of. The background picture is Bora Bora.
I used the Magic Lasso Tool to do the general cut of the picture and then I erased the rest what I did not want. Then I placed the picture into the Bora Bora picture on the dock.
I also used a drop shadow tool to help for a little shadow in the background of Stoli and I.
Stoli and I in Deep Creek Lake, Maryland.
Google image of Bora Bora.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
What Does Ellie Look Like In Illustrator?
This is my final project in Adobe Illustrator. I really had no idea what picture I wanted to use. I thought about using one of my own picture but I could not find one that I could honestly say I liked too much to change. So I went on Google imagines and find my favorite animal. An Elephant. I am not sure why they are my favorite but I love them. They are super adorable and really can defend themselves. But with this elephant I had not idea where to start. I ended up starting with the body. I drew the outline first but I wanted to make the elephant look like it had darker shadows. So I made the body, head, and ears all different colors. I then drew in lines so you could see the wrinkles of the elephant. I am extremely unsure about how to make this work. But figured lines were the best thing for the wrinkles. The back ground was my next challenge. I really wanted it to be blurred and kind of light looking but I was unsure of how to do this. As you saw from two posts ago, I originally just had the lines drawn out and the grass colored in and same with the sky. But then in class we learned a new way to make stuff blurred. So thats how I got the back ground to be slightly blurred and was able to make the colors different as I made the colors go up a little bit. The sky is also a blurred color. I actually really am proud of this work. I never thought I would be able to make something that looked like this. I am happy with the improvement that I made on each of the new pictures and how it progressed into something that is much better looking.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
My Gator Hunter
In class we folded up the a piece of paper in thirds. We first started to draw the face and then we passed around the piece of paper to different people and they drew the body. Then we passed it again and someone else drew the legs. Lastly we voted on three as a class to draw for the project. I chose the one with the elephant head because I love elephants. Then I thought the alien body was funny so I wanted to keep that. Then the bottom was a gator hunter and the legs are just funny. I thought it was just something interesting to see an alien with an elephant head, hunting gators. ENJOY!!!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Extreme Health Official Logo
This is my final logo. I had a lot of trouble deciding how I wanted to make this logo based off of my sketches from before. My original idea was having the fork, knife and spoon under the name of the company. I traced the fork, spoon and knife from the image on the bottom. I had trouble deicing which tool to use and how to trace it. Making the lines even was kind of difficult. But based on the original idea of the fork, knife and spoon being on the bottom I decided to lighten them. Then after the peer reviews a few people told me to put it to the side of the name. Then I thought well maybe I should make it not so transparent any more. But then when I was putting it together I thought maybe leaving it will be better so it does not draw away from the name. I am not a complete fan of the name but I decided to leave it because it talks about health. I chose this font because it really stands out and many people can see it. The saying on the bottom sums up everything that the restaurant does. I really like the colors because the green is kind of the first thing you think of when thinking of health. I chose that as the utensil color because it is what you eat with. I like how it goes from being dark to light because it gives it a different feel to the logo. I chose the red because it stands out among the green and it is the first place you look when you go to look at the logo. Over all I am pretty proud of this project and I am looking forward to making more with this logo.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Faith. Hope. Love. Kappa Alpha Theta.
This is the Caligramme Apollinaire I made. It is about my sorority. I really had no idea what you make for this project. I do not have any main saying and picture I could use. I originally thought of going a slurpee because I was craving it at the time of making this project. But then I took some time to think about it and what is important to me in my life. So I came up with my sorority. I chose them because I am a sister for life and wether I am doing something now or in the future, wether I want to be or not, I will always be a Theta. I will always wear my badge proudly and always remember the values that I learned from them. So as you can see it is a kite. The making of the kite was not too bad. It was a text square that I changed around to be shaped like a kite. The tail was a little more difficult. I wanted it to be a curvy line because that is how most kites are. So I used the line tool to make the points of the curvy. Then I used the text on path tool to make the text follow the line. When I clicked on the line to type it out. The words started in the middle of the line so I had to change around where the line was and where the turning points were. I had to play with it a lot because I could not figure out some of it. I decided to leave the color black because Theta is classy and formal and black is a very uniform color. I changed the font of the tail because I always like writing faith, hope, love and Kappa Alpha Theta in script on all my pieces of paper.
Faith. Hope. Love. KAO.
Monday, February 18, 2013
The Logos Of This Century
Here are the effectiveness of logos of today.

This is my favorite golf ball! Taylormade is not special. It just says what the company is. The T is different which kind of draws your eye to the product. Also, the name is not very hard to remember. I think its pretty effective because it stands out among the rest when looking for something specific in a golf store.
Oh! True Religion. The only jeans I wear. There symbols is very interesting. There name is on the top which helps quickly see the name of the company. Then it says 'Brand Jeans,' which is cool because you know what the product is. Then there is a Budda. He is kind of the mascot to True Religion. Then the rest of the logo is kind of like a ticket that you would get to go to a concert. I think its pretty effective because the true religion stands out and the mascot is funny and interesting.
This symbol is very effective. Everyone knows the Nike symbol. Since we were all little kids, the check would always mean Nike. And of course the 'Just Do It' saying they have. This symbol is effective because it is simple and easy to remember when you are going to buy the product.

Nikon. Yellow makes it stand out a lot. Then there is a the name on top of the yellow in black which makes you look at the symbol. The lines in the back is affect as well because it makes you read the name from left to right. Also, the lines make it look like its moving which helps you look at it. I am not sure how it is effective or not because unless you know the name Nikon, you would not know that it is a type of camera.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
My Company Ideas.
The next step in this adventure is making a fake company.
The Sports Arena. From bike riding to fishing to golf. This business will be like your typical sports store. It will have everything you need to participate in any sport. Anything you can think of for sports it will have it. The sports store will be one stop shopping for all your kids need to shop.
The Pet Sitter. From dog to fish to even a lizard. This business will take care of any animal for any amount of time. Someone will be there 24/7 so incase anything happens in the middle of the night, there will be someone there to take care of you animal.
The Straight A Student. This business will be a tutoring center. It will take care of the typical student having trouble in math to helping students pass the SAT. It will work with students of every learning style. There is one on one tutoring and group tutoring.
Extreme Health. This company will deliver healthy food to college students. It will supply them with any meal needed. It will be open 24 hours and students will be able to order food at any time during the day or night.
Greek Hang Out. College greeks are always looking for a place to hang out and be with other greeks. This place will be for greeks only. They will be able to study, hang out, or eat. You will have to show that you are greek before entering. This will be a good place for other greek organization to collaborate on ideas or start talking about a new social to plan.
I am not sure which company I will pick to do a full logo on.
Greek Hang Out. College greeks are always looking for a place to hang out and be with other greeks. This place will be for greeks only. They will be able to study, hang out, or eat. You will have to show that you are greek before entering. This will be a good place for other greek organization to collaborate on ideas or start talking about a new social to plan.
I am not sure which company I will pick to do a full logo on.
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Golfer That I Am
For this project I decided to make a golf scene. In this scene
a golf ball just landed and the golfer just watched the ball land. There is a
golf cart in the scene because the golfer is lazy and needed to ride the cart. In
this process, I drew out what I wanted the scene to look like. I ended up
switching around the scene a little. Originally I had the golfer at the bottom
of the hill and then flag at the top and the ball was flying through the air. I
also started from the grass at the bottom of the scene and then worked my way
up to the sky. Then I drew everything that went on top of the sky and road/
grass area. This piece consists of a lot of rectangles and lines. My piece is
successful because I think it shows what I love to do. Also, it tells a story of what a golfer does regularly. FORE!
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//golf ball
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